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News and Comment February 2015

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9 February (Part 2) - Bexley blocks broken by buses

Blocks Asphalt AsphaltHow much did Bexley council spend on tarting up Bexleyheath, three and a bit million wasn’t it? Eighteen months later most of the complainers have given up and so it would appear has Bexley council.

Buses and blocks are not a good combination. The junction was repaired only six months ago but it collapsed all over again

Photo 1 is a month old and the other two are from lunchtime today. At the exit from the bus terminus, at the southern end of Chapel Road, the holes and cracks have been filled with asphalt. It’s not pretty but it was a lot cheaper than £3·2 million.


This website
I’ve not had any complaints but some readers must have found their old shortcuts to B-i-B and Favourites will be taking them to the wrong place or more likely are caught by an error page.

It may be helpful to state how things work now.

The tried and tested will take visitors to the original site entry point which no longer serves a very useful purpose following rather too many site restructurings.
More useful perhaps, under the arrangements introduced yesterday, is which will assemble the whole of the current month’s blogs.
Somewhat similar is (note the absence of the co) which will take you to the most recent blog.
An alternative that does exactly the same thing is
Finally there is which routes to the Home page. Maybe not very useful to regular readers because I can never find the time to update it!


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