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News and Comment February 2015

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8 February (Part 1) - Bexley for sale

Bexley council has said it plans to sell off 27 parks and public spaces, when it is gone it is gone - permanently but Teresa O'Neill is intent on making her mark on the borough, an unwelcome one if you are not an enthusiast for the concrete jungle.

Whilst on the one hand they are asking residents’ opinion which may be good, they are on the other refusing to say which parks are to go up for sale which makes a nonsense of the whole consultation exercise. Last week Gareth Bacon said that unless equivalent savings can be found the council won’t be changing course. They never have done in the past, why expect them to be any different when their financial situation is worse than it has ever been before?

The News Shopper organised a gathering of dissidents this morning which saw 30 or more people assemble in Danson Park. While I was tied up in computer code (see below) Brian Barnett took some photos on my behalf.

The only councillor I can see is Lynn Smith. Second photo - wearing black boots, sitting in front of lady with red hair and next to inquisitive small white dog . Lynn Smith is the UKIP councillor for Blackfen and Lamorbey.
Danson Park Danson Park
Brian Barnett:


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