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News and Comment December 2015

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21 December (Part 1) - Bexley council isn’t working

No lights No lightsI don’t drive over the Harrow Manorway flyover at night very often, three times so far this month which is fairly typical, and always heading south.

It’s dangerous even when there is no traffic around. The Sainsbury’s roundabout is impossible to negotiate in lane, I have given up trying.

As you head up the incline the old and now little used subway search light is blinding and I wasn’t sure why it so badly affected visibility. In torrential rain a couple of weeks ago I could see no part of the central reservation markings or the unenforced bus lane.

Eventually the penny dropped. There is no lighting on the southbound carriageway. Thinking back, it must have been like it for a couple of months. Other drivers have since confirmed it.

Bexley council. ‘Working for you’. Don’t make me laugh.


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