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News and Comment August 2015

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25 August - Mud and highway robbery

Another multi-parter…

Lesnes Abbey
Lesnes Abbey Lesnes AbbeyThere have been reports that the removal of a hedge in Lesnes Abbey park has allowed yesterday’s heavy rain to wash mud on to the footpaths.

I went to have a look and sure enough there is potentially dangerous mud to be found in several places.

However the hedge removal may not be a significant factor. Most of the old hedge line shows no sign of the passage of mud, a short length may do.

Mud has always been washed down the hill after exceptionally heavy rain. On rare occasions Abbey Road itself has been affected.

Compost and crooks
Ticket machineWho apart from local authorities and maybe the odd monopoly nationalised industry thinks it is reasonable to take customers’ money and deny them any change?

I’ve seen railway company (and TfL) ticket machines which put up a NO CHANGE message when they run out of coins but deliberate and persistent extortion would appear to be practised only by local councils.

If there is a scam available you can be pretty sure that Bexley council will be at the head of the queue to use it.

Bexley council’s off and on street parking ticket machines don’t give change. Teresa O’Neill OBE (Overcharge Betray Extort) is in effect proudly proclaiming that she runs her council as if she was Dick Turpin. The head of a council comprised of crooks so unprincipled that they no longer recognise their own dishonesty.

Dishonesty is in the very DNA of Bexley’s Conservative council.

Have you seen what they are geared up to do when the bin tax kicks in in a month’s time?

Bin Tax scamIf you paid for a garden waste sack in the expectation that in return for the money paid, Bexley council would honour its part of the contract and take your waste away. Think again.

You might expect it to do so but you’d not be accounting for the fraudulent ambitions of Bexley council.

They have not changed their position since making the Twitter announcement yesterday. Someone should take the ruling crooks to the Small Claims Court.

Some might prefer the justice meted out to the real Dick Turpin.

Abbey WoodFor those who follow the project’s progress there is a new photo feature on the weekend’s track laying operation behind Fendyke Road. In due course the track will be nudged in a southerly direction to line up with the new platform.

For good measure there are four new photos of the Bostall Manorway footbridge too. (Scroll to bottom.)

The old footbridge reopened this morning - originally scheduled for Thursday - something I discovered only after walking from the south to the north side of the track via Harrow Manorway. A mile, maybe more.

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