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News and Comment August 2015

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21 August (Part 1) - Bexley police telling porkies again

A year ago Bexley police announced that it was going to equip its officers with Body Worn Video cameras. Below is an extract from the letter of explanation sent by Chief Superintendent Peter Ayling to the borough’s Great and the Good. Click to view the source letter.
Body Worn Video
SkyI don’t think the adoption of Body Worn Video by Bexley police was covered on BiB although I must have known of it because I remember thinking that the police would quickly switch their cameras off whenever they needed to protect themselves from complaint. However Hugh Neal covered the subject fully on the Maggot Sandwich im May 2014.

As an IT professional, Hugh would have been interested in how the video was stored. On a Met Police Server according to CS Peter Ayling.

Now it transpires that Sky News has discovered that this is far from the truth.

Hugh will no doubt be telling us how he came to be the final piece in the jigsaw which completed the Sky News story when he returns with his blog on Sunday.

Click the Sky News image to link to their story.



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