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News and Comment October 2014

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27 October (Part 2) - Abbey Eyesore

Harrow Inn site Harrow Inn siteJust before the May elections the fence around the site of the demolished Harrow Inn was the subject of much controversy as it is a major blot on the landscape of Abbey Wood.

The Conservatives bragged that after four years of ignoring the problem they had fixed it by getting the fence replaced. Not it turned out, by a proper fence as Crossrail and Cross Quarter have put around their sites but a bit of plastic held up by thin strips of wood.

Not surprisingly it soon fell down and no one seems to care any more. The Conservatives are still in charge at Bexley council. When’s the next election?

Note. The green fence was installed at the beginning of the year and repaired in May. Photo above taken December 2013.


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