16 November (Part 2) - The impression gained from watching webcasts. Not good
I long ago stopped keeping a store of blog info for days when news ran
thin because occasionally stuff would pass its sell by date and its always nice
to get news out before the News Shopper. Small minds and all that…
Following an eventful week, the next one may be quiet in which case it will
provide a chance to get to Bexleyheath and Sidcup which have been neglected of
late and where I am told there are things going on I should know about.
Later today I shall give news which is going to seriously upset some people
living in the north of the borough but for now the only Bexley related stuff I
can come up with is a message that came in overnight from a retired Bexley
employee. Not former Finance Director Mike Ellsmore.
worked in Bexley for some years it is easy to see who are the ‘suck
ups’ from their council questions and their behaviour on the webcam.
The FC seems to rely 'heavily' on Munur, Hunt, Camsey, Read, Bailey, Fuller,
D’Amiral, Massey, Pallen, Downing, and Sawyer.
I bet these are lazy, incompetent, failures who have never amounted to anything
in their own low level jobs but now hold the sword of Damocles over the rest of us.
(Shortened version.)
Very funny! Fat Controller (FC) and heavily. Geddit?
The message is not without an element of truth. Most of those named are obvious
‘creeps’ and at least one is a failed businessman. Interesting to see Gareth
Bacon’s name absent. It couldn’t have gone down too well with the FC that he was a
serious rival in the election for leader. Not sure why
John Fuller is on the
list. Seems harmless to me.
Well at least the webcasts are going down well with Bexley pensioners. Whether that
twenty grand spent on entertaining, informing, boring whatever a handful of viewers
would be better spent on
giving tens of thousands of children a good soaking
is something I will leave you to contemplate.