15 November (Part 1) - No trains. No activity. Yet!
A tip off said that significant work would commence at Abbey Wood station from
one o’clock this morning which wasn’t what Crossrail told me but I was taking no
chances and was at the station soon after seven. The only orange jacket to be
seen was the station cleaner removing last night’s beer cans and bottles.
The station staff said they had no idea what was going on, “they never tell us”
but very kindly allowed me to roam the station. The house at the
London end of the platform is half demolished behind a plastic shroud. It had
been visibly slipping on its foundations, or maybe lack of them, for several months.
The hole in the ground
shown yesterday has now been filled in (Photo 6)
and unlike on Wednesday, all the dumb waiters (small lifts) appeared to be
The pedestrian crossing on the viaduct has been completed and the fencing has a
man sized gap in it for the benefit of photographers. Unless the crossing was
finished yesterday I failed to notice it when
I drove past it in the dark late
last Thursday evening.
The Abbey Wood station staff said about the Crossrail workers, “they won’t turn
up until eight or nine o’clock” so several more visits look to be on the cards.
All photographs taken between ten and thirty seven minutes past seven, 15th November 2014. Click to enlarge.
Index to past Crossrail blogs.