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News and Comment June 2014

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21 June (Part 3) - Government bans use of CCTV spy cars, or do they?

Spy carThere has been some excitement this morning about news reports that Gestapo wagons are to be banned but some are less optimistic about seeing the back of the things than others. Probably it is best to go by the Government’s own Press Release issued today.

Operations such as the one pictured will not be outlawed although maybe this driver who didn’t bother putting up any warning signs while occupying one of only six spaces available outside Abbey Wood station shold be sanctioned.

The repeated issuing of fines at locations where an adjudicator has ruled the signage is inadequate may have to stop. That might hit Bexley hard but the time for celebration has not yet come.

The Press Release may say “Government bans use of CCTV spy cars” but it also talks about a three month consultation period.

This will be like when just over a year ago Eric Pickles issue a Press Release on recording council meetings and it is still not law.


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