12 July - What a difference a year’s made
As a small boy I was fascinated by how the buses systematically destroyed the road at the entrance to the local bus station.
It was a very busy bus station but probably not quite as busy as the terminus in
Bexleyheath and buses have become bigger and much heavier over the past 60 years.
Perhaps the highly paid consultants and engineers at Bexley council would have
benefited from the same boyhood experience.
The passage of many buses has resulted in what you see below. The new road is
breaking up. As is usually the case, click for the larger view.
may have forgotten how long it is since Arnsberg Way was ‘regenerated’. This
photo may remind you. It was taken at the junction with Woolwich Road on 13th
June 2013. Looks like it will all have to come up again before long.