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News and Comment January 2014

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24 January (Part 2) - TIC - Still the home of shady business

TestimonialI’ve wasted quite a lot of time this week following up some whispers on how Bexley council throws money at the Thames Innovation Centre, usually involving IT projects, and, by design is the allegation, gets nothing in return. It’s drawn a blank so far but maybe I found some indication of the moral standards prevailing there.

The image (click it for source web page) is from the website of a TIC tenant company, Only IT. I seem to remember they were mixed up in the sacking of a whistle blower employed at the TIC a few years ago. Money going astray, etc. The image is a testimonial for Only IT from the aptly named Rogue Studios. Only It is run by David John Domminney Fowler, there can’t be many of them around.

Here’s an extract from a directory of his directorships.

Notice the coincidence? Mr. Fowler lives in Sidcup.


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