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News and Comment January 2014

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23 January (Part 1) - On the Abbey Wood stump

UKIP UKIP UKIPI’ve always been an early riser and can usually be seen picking up a newspaper in Wilton Road by 7 a.m. This I discovered today was not early enough to escape the UKIP guys who had been at nearby Abbey Wood station for an hour already. Here they are waiting for a crowd of commuters descending from the bus stop above the station.

With Abbey Wood providing ten or more London bound trains an hour at that time in the morning I doubt many commuters were prepared to stop and chat, but at least their newspaper was disappearing at a reasonable rate of knots.


Apologies and excuses

I discovered yesterday that my copy of Microsoft Outlook had been sending only part of what I had written in emails. It seems that any message that took long enough to write to trigger the auto save only sent out the portion written up to that point, so this week my MP, the lads at Bexley UKIP and the Bexley Action boys (plus innumerable others) have all received incomplete, badly spelled, possibly incoherent, messages from me - and not a single one of them remarked on it.

So I have just upgraded my copy of MS Office to a later one. Turned out to be a totally painless operation and with luck my emails will look a little less like gibberish.


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