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News and Comment January 2014

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17 January (Part 2) - All change in Stable Lane

AdvertisementCould there have been a falling out? When the illegal blocking of Bridleway 250 first came to light researching it revealed that the Woodland Trust had contracted Mount Mascal Stables to issue their permits for riding in the woods. Mick Barnbrook wrote to the Woodland Trust and their reply was not exactly helpful. The only member of the Trust that I know of did not renew her membership when she saw how the Trust was supporting the Stables.

Now the Trust is advertising for a new administrator for their permit scheme. This advert appeared on Page 16 of this week’s News Shopper.

I reported last week that Mick Barnbrook was not going to the Magistrates’ Court about the bridleway blockage and had in effect given up on the case.

Since then there have been further developments which have reawakened his interest. The case won’t go to court this month but the issue is not yet dead.

I know of no connection between the known recent developments and the advertisement. Probably there isn’t one.


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