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News and Comment February 2014

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22 February (Part 3) - Sidcup : before and after Bailey

Biffa BaileyWhen I listen to the cabinet member for Regeneration and Economic Development speak at council meetings she can usually rattle off a list of her achievements. I’m not always convinced they are hers.

Without investment by L&Q, Orbit Housing and the housing associations we’d not have any new social housing to look forward to. Without Tesco there would be no packing and distribution centre in Erith, without Bexley College Bailey would not be able to crow about what is taking shape outside Erith station. Without her pouring bucket loads of taxpayers’ cash into The Thames Innovations Centre its failure would have caught up with it long ago.

To borrow Bexley Conservative’s current political slogan, “What has councillor Biffa Bailey ever done for you?”.

Last July she was busy telling everybody of the so-called Box Shop coming to Sidcup High Street and that the Co-op store was soon to reopen - as a gym of all things. Is that really what Sidcup shoppers had been looking forward to?

And as for the Box Shop, I heard nothing positive about it and now it has gone - or maybe the plans were all wrong in some way and it is being refitted.

Here’s two pairs of before and after pictures. As usual, click to enlarge them. Linda Bailey: didn’t she do well?

Sidcup chaos Sidcup chaos Sidcup chaos Sidcup chaos

No shoppers to be seen in any of the pictures. Whose achievement might that be?


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