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News and Comment February 2014

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21 February (Part 3) - Steaming ahead

2 Watling Street 2 Watling StreetThe new Civic Centre at No. 2 Watling Street is either on time or running two weeks late dependent on which committee you believe but one way or another the wrecker’s ball is likely to make an appearance on Broadway by late Spring.

The photograph shows the building lights are now on, not that there was anything obvious going on inside. The same could be said of the existing Civic Centre at night too.

In the Bexley First poster the council tells you what it would like you to believe about the project. Whether it is true or not is difficult to say but the deputy leader’s refusal to answer Munir Malik’s questions at the Finance meeting may offer a clue.

The poster claims that the new HQ will save the taxpayer £1·5 million a year. It’s never been put at more than £1 million at any council meeting I’ve attended.


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