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News and Comment December 2014

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11 December (Part 3) - Cllr. Philip Read. Now I understand why the PM linked Tweets with twats

TweetI thought it might be worth passing on this Tweet by councillor Philip Read. It’s not often that there is good news about family or children’s services in Bexley. Usually it’s cutting transport for special needs children and adults or respite time for parent carers, or closing children’s playgrounds or, so I have heard on the grapevine, cutting swimming lessons. Even child deaths following just a little too much neglect by Sheila Murphy’s department.

“Pass it on” Read said, so to spread the rare piece of good news further I pressed the Retweet button, and this is what I got…

TwatWasn’t it David Cameron who referred to Twitter users as twats? Well if he had Philip Read in mind it may be one the few things that DC has got right.

Philip Read was a bit of a twat when he thought he might block this website by registering in his own name. He was a malicious twat when he manufactured a load of bull about John Kerlen and persuaded the always supportive Bexley police to put him in the cells for 24 hours until a judge came to his rescue. A pity Read wasn’t prosecuted for wasting police time.

More recently Read decided that he should extend his vendetta beyond bloggers and refuse to answer reasonable questions from political adversaries.

Philip Read is cabinet member for Children’s Services and if mine hadn’t long grown up would worry me even more than he does already. Thoroughly obnoxious, second rate businessman and not very bright.


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