9 December - Eager to please but a step too far
can be little doubt that the Crossrail and Network Rail staff based at Abbey Wood are trying to be
good neighbours. At the end of last week they erected signs directing people to the bus stops which
are closest to the station. i.e. those on Harrow Manorway labelled C, J and D on the TfL map (Photo 1)
but no longer easy to access now that the ramps and most of the steps are gone.
The sign outside the temporary station (Photo 2) is possibly a little confusing
to any strangers in town as it points in two directions for the same stops. One
shows a pedestrian figure; maybe the other one should have included a disabled symbol.
However to my mind there is a more serious problem. Why would anyone
follow the disabled route past several signs (Photo 3) left in various places
along the route? If you are silly enough to follow the signs you would walk
right past bus stops E and G which serve all the Harrow Manorway buses except
the 180 which uses stops H and K. Both are a much shorter walk (wheelchair
ride?) than traipsing over the flyover.
I suspect someone was so anxious to be helpful he didn’t pause for a moment’s
thought. The flimsy paper signs would be better saying “To alternative bus stops
and step free route across the railway” - or something. It’s not easy to
cover all the possibilities in one short statement.