30 April (Part 1) - Pathetic reaction or masterstroke?
reaches me that council leader Teresa O’Neill is not best pleased about
the three competing O’Neills
in her Brampton ward and has been huffing and puffing about how unfair the Labour party is.
Several of her Conservative colleagues admit to finding it hugely entertaining.
So far so so predictable but Teresa’s rage has apparently driven her to
the situation to the Evening Standard thinking that publicity will somehow help her cause.
Presumably she hopes that the more people who know about the Labour opposition the
fewer will mistakenly put their cross against their names. This gets close to an
admission that people who vote for her are stupid and perhaps she has a point
there. The only people who will put a cross against Teresa’s name are those who haven’t
yet found out what a thoroughly malign piece of control freakery Teresa has
proved to be. Bloggers reported to the police, councillors instructed not to
reply to residents emails or talk to them etc.
Thanks to Teresa, the Standard’s reporters have been busy in the borough digging into
the case of the four O’Neills and now that their first edition has hit the streets the whole of London knows about
the local politician most admired by Boris Johnson.
I don’t know what she is worried about, heavyweight politician Teresa Anne Jude O’Neill can balance three ordinary O’Neills any day.