30 September (Part 2) - Must do better
was nothing new reported on
Rhys Lawrie
this month. New material came to light but Rhys’s grandfather Trevor judged that it should not be made
public yet. For its part Bexley council is still struggling to introduce
measures to prevent it doing nothing to help vulnerable children ever again. It makes frequent references to
spending more money
but finding social workers willing to come to Bexley isn’t easy. Meanwhile the borough does not perform as it should.
It has introduced a new case management system this month (Liquidlogic) but
changing managers might have been a better idea, their recent performance is still lacking.
I don’t pretend to know what all this jargon means but for the percentage of
child assessments carried out within 35 working days Bexley was ranked last of the London
boroughs that provided data. Percentage of referrals going to initial assessment was second
to last and for percentage of social care clients receiving self directed support only six boroughs scored worse.