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News and Comment October 2013

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3 October (Part 3) - Grumpy Old Men

Hugh Neal (Maggot Sandwich) and I may have acquired a partner. A new Thamesmead based blog recently came on line which might serve as light relief from the Cheryl Bacon and council shenanigans served up here.

I note that the author, whose identity is a complete mystery to me, has referred to me by name and labelled Bonkers a political blog, not that I mind either. Probably I am naive but I had never considered Bonkers to be ‘a political site’; I have had a go at all the parties at one time or another but maybe sitting on the fence is being political too. LibDems and Greens may have escaped my attention but that is because I have always regarded them as two faced non-entities unworthy of comment. Probably I have just lost 0·5% of my readers.

The Thamesmead Grump has been added to the Bonkers’ menu list of local blogs. I’ve not yet done the same for another local website recently brought to my attention because I’m not convinced it is a blog, the last update was more than four months ago. A lot of work must have gone into it and there is a wealth of information about Welling with lots of nice photos. Worth a look. I’ll have to think where I place a permanent link.


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