22 November (Part 1) - Lady in Red
the telly on quick, came the message. Teresa is talking about Bexley
that college lecturer. I’m afraid I didn’t bother and took a while to catch up
with Teresa Pearce MP. She was in fact asking David Cameron to look into the
£397,000 pay
off to Tony Cotter at Gallions Housing Association and the PM agreed to do so.
It’s a pity that Teresa was not a Bexley MP when Bexley council slipped a cool
£300,000 to its Chief Executive Nick Johnson when he departed only to
pop up in Hammersmith and Fulham a couple of months later. Bexley taxpayers are
still paying his £50k. pension. Without that commitment councillor Don Massey
might not be looking to save £41,000 by dumping the borough’s history in a cupboard in Bromley.
Teresa Pearce’s own report.