16 May (Part 1) - Purposeful neglect
“Bugger Bexley” was a phrase I stumbled across while idly Googling around
yesterday afternoon. If I had found it earlier it could have been included in
yesterday’s comment on Bexley council’s ambition to, well, bugger Bexley.
subject of my delight was a blog written by someone associated with the London
Cycling Campaign which one might expect to be another organisation keen to
hobble transport links, but no, it was a well written piece with some choice
phrases reserved for Bexley council.
“Opposition to the creation and sustenance of community and business.” About Bexley’s
performance at City Hall, “Their contribution from the floor was so incoherent that I had
to stifle an urge to laugh out loud”.
You may read it all by clicking the extract above.