8 May (Part 1) - More dirty tricks?
suppose I should be flattered by the lengths Bexley council is prepared to go to
to starve this blog of information. My contributors get silly answers or none at
all and meetings get fewer and fewer to avoid too many being reported here, but
this latest scheme, taken at face value at least, could be a real beauty.
I would normally attend the General Services, Public Realm, Community
Safety, Health, Crime and Disorder and Adults’ Services Scrutiny Committee
meetings. But will I be able to this month? if the council’s calendar is to be
believed, all of them are to be held at the same time.
I've known meetings last under half an hour but this lot, all in the same place
as well as time, is going to create some sort of record. It has to be a mistake doesn’t it?
If not it is an act of sheer genius by a
bunch of ne’er do wells and charlatans.