1 March (Part 2) - Cock up. No conspiracy
time last week Bexley council was busy working out what to do about Mick
Barnbrook’s phone call which drew attention to the
Agenda for the following
Monday’s Cabinet Meeting not meeting legal requirements. The council in the
shape of Paul Moore and his legal adviser took the only realistic course the
council could. They postponed the meeting.
A few cynics wrote to suggest various conspiracy theories but all the evidence points to a
simple administrative and presumably unintentional delay to publication of the Agenda and
ignorance of the law. Call it incompetence if you like but the featured document on the left,
the Bexley Bulletin, shows that on that fateful Friday 22nd February it was the intention to
hold a Public Cabinet meeting on 25th February.
Bexley council¹s Bulletins are
available here.