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News and Comment June 2013

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20 June (Part 8) - Kevin R. Fox

Let’s finish off a pretty good day by peeing off Bexley council’s senior jobsworth and constant thorn in the side of democracy, big time.

First go to this Just Giving page. Scroll down the page noting Eva [Read], Kevin Fox’s subordinate, Sandra Baxter, John Ferry, Dave Easton and Nick Hollier. All names you have read about on this site; it must be our Kevin. Right down the bottom you will find Abbie Sampson the first giver.

Then float across to and search for Kevin Fox. You’ll find this…
Kevin Fox
See that name? Abbie Sampson again. Well the bloke’s entitled to have a girlfriend. Who cares?

But who is Abbie Sampson? Google comes to the rescue again. Try it for yourself. Her website comes up top of the list. This is what she says about herself and note the Arsenal links shared with Kevin’s Just Giving page. Not much doubt about the association is there?

I was born and grew up in the Garden of England, staying in my home town of Canterbury to studying Politics and Government at the University of Kent.

After university I joined Penguin Books, having a fantastic time working in the Publicity Department where I was lucky enough to work with some of the countries best authors and managed book tours for Paul Burrell, Nasser Hussain, Gordon Banks, Gillian McKeith and Kim & Aggie amongst others.

I then moved into government communications working firstly at the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs where I soon became adept at crisis communications during the outbreaks of Foot & Mouth Disease and bird flu. I then held responsibility for communications on the Heathrow third runway proposal at the Department for Transport.

I was appointed to the Strategic Communications Unit in Downing Street in 2008 under Gordon Brown, and then became Chief Press Officer in No.10 Press Office after the formation of the Coalition in 2010. I was also seconded to the Department of Health as Head of Modernisation Communications for the 'Listening Exercise' on NHS reform in 2011.

After returning to No.10 to re-acquaint myself with Larry the Downing Street cat, I decided to embark on a new career outside the civil service. I am now Head of News at the consumer champion Which?.

I’m an avowed fan of the Arsenal, currently walking around rather sheepishly this season with Thomas Vermaelen still on the back of my shirt.

I also enjoy cocktails, Danish drama and am slightly addicted to tattoos (on me, not doing them on others).

You can follow me on Twitter at -

Quite a girl eh? That puts Kevin in the shade. He works in a down at heel Civic Centre running around after a collection of ne’re do wells and his significant other has run around No. 10, well, doing much the same thing really, but in more glamorous surroundings. Just another example of these political types all feeding off each other.

I think it also explains why Bonkers gets visits most days from Which?

By the way, Kevin’s jobsworth sidekick last night was John Adams. Only obeying orders I suppose but he probably wants his 15 minutes of fame too.

Note: With help from the people of Bexley. When they stand united against tyranny who knows what can happen. Oh, no! Not Pitchforks and Flaming Torches again.


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