20 June (Part 6) - It’s taken 42 years but fame has finally caught up with Nicholas Dowling
Bexley Times has reported last night’s events in the council chamber. They
repeat a council spokeswoman’s lie that “Their subsequent behaviour was so
disruptive that it was impossible for the meeting to continue”. In my opinion that is two lies.
I took verbatim notes of what was said and I have reported it
word for word earlier.
Nothing else happened, no member of the public other than Nick said a word. Maybe if Nick
had actually recorded the proceedings Bexley’s lie could be proved, but most people know by now
that Bexley council’s default position is to lie so maybe the lack of a tape doesn’t matter.
The second lie is that it was impossible for the meeting to continue. They could
have continued but chose not to - except in camera - probably illegally.
As you can see from the Twitter conversation the News Shopper is on to the story
too. With Tim in charge my expectation is that the NS report will be scrupulously
accurate. Danny is a young man who studies politics - everyone is entitled to a hobby!
I can’t see Bexley’s corrupt council winning this one. Eric Pickles may be a
gasbag but he has gradually strengthened the guidance and the law. It may take
another year but eventually Bexley council will have no option.
The likelihood then is that someone with far too much time on their hands will
make a recording, no one will ever listen to it, and no one will ever bother to
do it again. To realise that takes commonsense and the problem is that no one at Bexley council
has any, not even the Labour councillors who studiously avoid comment. They, you
might remember, backed the illegal publication of residents’ addresses on the web
and with the honourable exception of Seán Newman failed to take an enlightened view of the
salaries petition.
Sad to say the only recourse the electorate might have is to vote UKIP or
Independent at the next election.