15 June - Broadway. It’s terrific! Or should that be terrorific?
to council leader Teresa O’Neill the new arrangements in Broadway will “lead to further economic regeneration as early indications are
already showing”. Where it shows she doesn’t say, however she does say the changes have
resulted “in a higher quality and more usable street area with enhanced road safety’.
Maybe it is unfair of me to highlight Arnsberg Way which is currently blocked to
pedestrians by building materials. No provision has been made for safely
crossing the road but at least it is only temporary. Unfortunately the parking bays in Broadway aren’t.
No one needs reminding that pedestrian crossings are marked on each side with lengthy
zig-zag lines where parking is prohibited so as not to impede
the view. Bexley council has thrown all that out of the window. The car shown is legally
parked in a Disabled bay right next door to a shared space pedestrian crossing place. View
very much restricted. What is Teresa trying to do?
Kill more residents?
on Broadway with my camera has got me into many conversations with
curious passers-by. The condemnation of the scheme is universal and I have
encouraged some to write to Teresa with their views. She needs to be brought
down to earth because at the moment she is telling enquirers that at “the Civic
Parade on Sunday a number of people there said how terrific the changes were”.
I’m not sure when that could have happened because I and a friend or two shadowed
O’Neill on her walk from Christ Church to the Clocktower where she sat within
the VIP’s enclosure and when the ceremonials were concluded went and stood
by her limousine waiting to be whisked away. I have loads of photographs and she
kept close to councillor Colin Campbell, David Evenett MP, Will Tuckley and
young Master Perrior. I suspect the true number of people who complimented
Teresa on the road began with a big fat Z.