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News and Comment July 2013

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18 July (Part 4) - The Woodland Trust. I wouldn’t

BW 250 WarningThe Woodland Trust was sniffing around Bonkers this morning, someone must have tipped them off that the blocking of Bridleway 250 has become more widely known.

So I returned the compliment and learned from the Woodland Trust web site that they have an annual standing order for 200 key fobs at £12·.50 a throw to be delivered to Mascal Stables. These are probably not for the illegal gate on Bridleway 250 as it would appear that Mascal Stables is responsible for controlling more than one access to Joyden’s Wood.

After leaving the council meeting last night I returned to the scene of the crime to check things out again. There, as bold as brass, pointing straight through Mascal’s gate, is a sign saying Bridleway 250 and on the gate is a notice saying the gate is closed after 10:30 with no way back (†). So what about someone out for a romantic stroll on a summer’s evening who lingers beyond sunset and finds themselves trapped?

There is also the matter of horse riding in Joyden’s Wood. The cheapest permit to allow that is £80 going up to £300 a year for commercial use. A permit doesn’t restrict the times you can visit but Mascal Stables’ gate effectively imposes a limit. But that conflict is easily resolved, if you complain about the gate you are refused a permit or a renewal.

Between them, The Woodland Trust, Mascal Stables and Bexley council have managed to totally stitch up anyone who wants to take full advantage of a public right of way.

† Council correspondence states that a a weekend gate closing time of 8 p.m. has been approved.


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