9 July (Part 2) - Disorder at the Civic Centre?
would seem I was not alone in believing deputy leader
Colin Campbell’s
assertion that Bexley council would allow photography at this evening’s cabinet
meeting. There have been four possibly five requests that I know of and three I
know to have been rejected on the instructions of council leader Tyrant O’Neill.
Don’t blame the messengers, I suspect the HR and Publicity managers who have been
dragged in to sign the rejections are as heartily sick of the leader’s secrecy
at all costs mission as the rest of the borough.
I won’t be taking photographs myself but I cannot speak for others.
My camera will be at the bottom of a shopping bag in case there are things worth
recording outside the council chamber.
The repercussions of
Cheryl Bacon’s law breaking and Colin Campbell’s
lie fest have so far resulted in complaints to the local standards board, both
Eric Pickles and his right hand man, Brandon Lewis, FOIs to the
police, another column in tomorrow’s News Shopper and possibly a complaint to
OFCOM about piffle being broadcast as political fact.
Keep up the good work Bexley council, you make us all feel proud to have elected you.