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News and Comment July 2013

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4 July (Part 4) - The Sunday Politics Show

Councillor Colin CampbellNews reaches me that deputy leader councillor Colin Campbell is to appear on TV next Sunday to defend Bexley council’s recording - not even a still photograph before the meeting starts - ban.

Don’t tell him but I quite like Colin Campbell in a lovable rogue sort of way and I have never felt inclined to call him a liar like so many cabinet members have proven themselves to be.

I do hope I’m not going to have to use the L word again on Sunday.

If the SPS researcher is looking in then please note that only Nicholas said anything out of turn. Only he was threatened with ejection but every member of the public present was prevented from attending the illegal ‘Closed session’ public meeting. Well the other room is a bit small and they didn’t relocate the projector and screens, so it would all have been a bit of a waste of time. It hasn’t stopped Bexley council lying though.

Bexley’s response to try to get one over any future recorder wielding hooligan may be read here.

By the way, Eric Pickles’ office told me that Bexley council bent their ear, presumably with much the same story as they gave the News Shopper, by telephone. Unfortunately the call was not recorded. Civil Servants always take memos though don’t they? Mick. Another FOI please.

The Sunday Politics Show. Sunday 7th July, 11 a.m. BBC1.
Now confirmed by News Shopper.


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