26 January - Thank goodness it’s the weekend
no easy way to tell if a blog is being well received or not. The number of
Bonkers readers gradually goes up, the Google ranking is high and almost 100% of readers
who make comment do so favourably. Comments such as “Malcolm I write to
you, not just to give you my support, but because I feel so angry and useless! I
wish you well, with kind regards”, will always help drive matters on
despite the obstacles put in the way.
The actual number of blog hits is not a good guide to success, getting on for half a
million a year based on this month’s figures but more interesting would be the answer to
‘how many Bexley households does it reach?’. I could guess but there are rather a lot
of regular readers from outside the borough which confuses the issue.
The more readers there are the more likely it is that some will be a bit odd.
For a couple of weeks now I have had someone telling me I am not doing a good
job because I am missing all the really good stuff. The child slavery, the
adults imprisoned in their homes by Bexley council, the paramilitary activity on
our streets, the feuding groups baying for territorial control of drug dealing,
that councillor Val Clark is a significant figure in the criminal underworld at
the centre of a very dangerous professional network which includes Bexley Council
Monitoring Group members. Worst of all, that I am a member of the Conservative Party.
Much as I would like to believe the Val Clark story I suspect that none of the
above is a serious problem and most is simply not true.
For the record neither I nor any member of the BCMG is a member of any political party
although I think, left to his own devices, Mick Barnbrook might like to start his own.
Mind you, with
this sort of thing happening almost daily
in the UK maybe I am too complacent.
If you watch the video, a man hangs around in a corridor for three and a
bit minutes and is suddenly set upon by uniformed thugs for no apparent reason.
His ‘crime’ was bringing a private prosecution against two police officers. So
from what one can see he was stitched up and given a criminal record for being
beaten up. Now the police will be able to discredit him when he brings his
prosecution. Looks like I had better be careful.
There is no sound.
The Daily Telegraph gives
some background detail.