14 February (Part 1) - Welcome to Bexleyheath
month into the Bexleyheath Broadway regeneration and on a gloomy February day
fewer than a dozen men are to be seen tinkering with paving blocks and wet cement.
Meanwhile traffic heading West is badly snarled up and pedestrians squeeze along
what is left of the foot path. At least there is no room for any unwary motorist to park where there are
no longer any yellow lines.
Yesterday’s News Shopper carried two readers’ letters relating to the Broadway
regeneration and the parking problems it has caused. One from Gareth Bacon,
cabinet member for Public Realm, was apologetic and sensible, quite unlike
councillor Peter
Craske’s message the week before; the other was labelled
STAR LETTER. I think the editor really means
STIR LETTER because he has a habit of choosing
submissions easily ridiculed. It’s probably a sensible tactic designed to keep
things lively.
This time we have a David Heap criticising
a mother for driving to the shops.
“Go by public transport, this is what it is for”, this petty dictator says. I
always use my Freedom Card when I can but it takes three to four times as long to cross
the borough as it does using a car and if I drove the mile or so from the
mother’s home off Pickford Lane to Broadway and back it would cost, including an
hour’s parking fee, less than half the return bus fare. Nobody has the right to
dictate how others choose to travel and how does this Heap fellow know what the
mother wanted to buy? When I bought a curtain rod I was denied bus travel because the driver deemed me to be a health hazard.