7 February (Part 1) - Couldn’t’ve put it better myself
The casual every day corruption at Bexley council never ceases to amaze and bemuse. It would seem I am not alone with such thoughts…
Allowing a husband to be his wife's boss (or vice versa), supervising her,
appraising her, potentially rewarding her with bonuses and pay rises (the fruits
of which he then shares), being responsible for disciplining - possibly even
sacking - her if she misbehaves or performs very poorly, these are things which
would not be tolerated (or even contemplated) in any decent, properly-run organisation.
I wonder what Bexley's senior Human Resources professional - Mr. Nick Hollier
- makes of this? I'll wager he will have strongly advised against it, but for some
reason, maybe the Ellershaws have friends in high places, has been overruled.
The nub of the matter is my reader’s use of the term
“decent, properly-run organisation”. You won’t get decency from any council that
believes it is best served by protecting its own criminals. They are still
refusing to answer the FOI that asks how many councillors have been
investigated by the police within the past eighteen months.