19 December (Part 1) - Better late than never
Two days
after I mentioned that the ‘town centre’ of Lesnes ward is a rat
infested tip and that the local Conservatives had done nothing for the area
in the past four years, the party Tweeted that the old Harrow Inn site is to be
boarded up. Click image for clearer picture. Coincidence or shame? Who knows.
Maybe the Harrow Inn would still be standing if business rates weren’t levied on
empty properties - and you can’t blame the Tories for introducing that rule,
relief was abolished in the 2007 budget. But maybe an empty pub would have attracted squatters.
Nobody came up with anything the local Conservatives may have done for Lesnes ward and except that they refer to Crossrail
on their website, it’s no good
looking for a list of achievements there. Presumably they weren’t very interested in that dangerously
narrow footpath outside Bedonwell school either, they left
that to a parent who has since decided to stand for UKIP. What Labour may have
planned is unknown to me, they don’t seem to have a local web presence.