14 December - Teresa O’Neill. More proof of dishonesty
six months since a member of the Tory party in Sidcup tipped me off that
councillor Jackie Evans was seriously ill and was sadly unfit to do her job. Her
attendances at council meetings had been reduced to the statutory minimum of
once in six months and she last put in an appearance on 17th July.
Throughout this year Sidcup has been deprived of representation and the whole
borough has had to pay for a councillor who because of her tragic illness has
been unable to contribute anything.
If democracy was to be served an election should have been called months ago.
Mick Barnbrook twice wrote to Teresa O’Neill about it and was twice refused an
answer. As with too many things in Bexley, the root of the dishonesty,
corruption, criminality or whatever can be laid at her door.
Untruthful reports to the police, protecting criminals in her midst, dodging the
full declaration of members’ interests (Bexley has more dodgers than the rest of
London combined), you name a political trick, Teresa will be at it. The Jackie
Evans situation is just one more example.
The moment the clock ticked within six months of the next election Teresa
O’Neill has given her approval for councillor Evans’ resignation. There can be
no possibility of a by-election now. Poor Jackie
should have been permitted to relinquish her position a long time ago. It would
have been the humane thing to do but nothing can be allowed to get in the way of
the great dictator.
I was criticised in some quarters for first alluding to this subject last June.
Unkind, some thought. But surely not nearly as unkind as making councillor Evans
jump through hoops to suit the leader’s political ends. No doubt everyone will
wish Jackie Evans well.
Bexley council announcement.