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News and Comment August 2013

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31 August (Part 2) - Running scared

Campbell Elwyn BryantAt the Cabinet meeting on 9th July, councillor Colin Campbell told Elwyn Bryant (beige suit) that he felt threatened by him and offered the comment as a good reason not to talk to him.

As you can see from the picture, Colin Campbell is a reasonably well built man, certainly quite a lot bigger than me and as Elwyn Bryant has told me more than once, I have a couple of stone lead on him! So it’s hard to believe that Campbell feels threatened by 76 year old Elwyn Bryant.

Maybe councillor Cheryl Bacon could pull such a stunt when next confronted by Nicholas Dowling’s broken dictation machine. Playing the Intimidation Card might be so much easier than have someone concoct a tissue of lies to cover her mistakes.

Campbell’s claim to be intimidated by Elwyn seems implausible to me unless perhaps I have placed too much emphasis on physical size, maybe it was intellect that Campbell was talking about. Whatever the case may be, Bexley council has decreed that intimidation is a good excuse for rudeness. Here’s their official conclusion in black and white. I think I begin to feel sorry for Mrs. Lynn Tyler it can’t be easy for her to write such nonsense…

Conclusion Decision
At least Mrs. Tyler sent a readable file this time, none of the .docx nonsense that defeated Mick Barnbrook’s technical skills. She sent an easily readable PDF this time. Much appreciated Lynn.


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