23 August (Part 2) - LX04 AOJ and MT06 LLR, take a bow
I don’t believe the partial
closure of the
Felixstowe Road car park is yet generating widespread inconvenience, not in the
morning anyway. Presumably many commuters are on holiday. But when the weather
is particularly fine and a picnic in the grounds of Lesnes Abbey is a nice way to
spend an afternoon, some drivers do the silliest things - like block nearby residential roads.
Once people get back to work round about the same time as two out of three Abbey Wood station
car parks are due to close permanently, well for five years anyway, I can see real problems
looming hereabouts. Maybe an 8 to 6 p.m. seven day yellow line on one side of the road
would make sense.
This week is
not the first time I’ve seen wing mirrors retracted by people trying to get home
and on this occasion anything bigger than the smallest of runabouts was stuck.