23 April (Part 2) - A lack of communications
Bexley council’s new Constitution provides rich pickings for anyone prepared to look closely. I find myself wondering what has happened to the Deputy Director of Policy and Communications. Whilst it would obviously improve the management team if Maureen Holkham has been removed it would be sad to have to endure a scrutiny committee meeting without the giggle factor she engenders.
the Constitution (PDF file) for the words Policy or Communications produces nothing of note.
Where has the Incredible Holk gone? It’s only a few weeks since health policy was
added to her portfolio.
The table alongside is an amalgam of what was spread over two pages, hence the
reference to a “table overleaf”. don’t bother trying their link
www.bexley.gov.uk/about/man-structure because unless
they have fixed it since this blog went on line, it routes to their front page.
Get it right first time? You must be joking.
As noted yesterday and confirmed by readers, Volume 2 of the
Constitution remains unavailable. So Mr. Akin Alabi, the Monitoring Officer
still shows no sign of getting his employer to obey the law.