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News and Comment September 2012

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21 September (Part 2) - Bexley’s ‘C’ words - and I don’t just mean criminals

Teresa O'Neill remembers Summer 2012Yes Teresa I am sure it has been. On mid-Summer’s day your cabinet member for Public Realm, Peter Craske, was arrested on suspicion of Misconduct in Public Office and you stood up and said he was resigning for Personal Reasons. No one will forget that in a hurry. Quite a Summer!

What is it about boroughs beginning with the letter B and politicians with letter C? First it was Conway, then it was Clement, later it is Craske and now, up in far away Barnet it is Coleman. Who next? Cameron?

Fire Brigade Union TweetBrian Coleman is another leading Conservative politician in trouble with the law. In Barnet, Coleman was just like Craske, whacking up parking costs and introducing phone only payment. Cafe owner, Helen Michael, whose business was knocked sideways by Coleman and Co. stuck a poster in her window against him and his policies and was promptly arrested by the Terrorist Squad.

It is being alleged that the cafe owner photographed Coleman breaking his parking law yesterday and she finished up with bruises. I thought only Linda Bailey was up for bashing residents but apparently not.

Evening Standard report.
Barnet Eye blog.


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