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News and Comment September 2012

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11 September (Part 2) - Back to the mundane. Parking issues

Parking enforcement - requirements scheduleWith both councillor Peter Craske and Notomob mere shadows of their former selves the subject of parking has taken something of a back seat but it remains a drag on the borough’s businesses and ultimately its economy and prosperity. A number of documents have recently come my way about Bexley council’s relationship with their parking service provider.

The so called Pricing Schedule told the contractor what the council expected of it before bidding for the contract. Click here to read. (pdf)

Another document answers the contractors consequential questions. Click here to read. (pdf)

The Code of Practice details how Bexley and the contractor are supposed to conduct their affairs. Probably worth a look if you ever get a ticket. Click here to read. (pdf)

Permanent links to these documents are provided from the Site map.


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