9 September - Waring down Rita
large package with a £12.07p stamp on it was delivered to Mrs. Rita Grootendorst
last week. It was another copy of the evidence bundle
by hand in August by the despicable little council weasel John Waring. It should
have gone to Rita’s legal adviser in Norfolk, but doing it Bexley council’s way
not only wastes goodness knows what in photocopying costs and twelve quid
postage, it will now arrive too late to be of any use.
While on site I took a walk down the garden which has benefited from the rain
and warmth and I searched high and low for any spot from which I could see any
part of Rita’s neighbours’ houses or gardens. You will have to take my word for it but there
is only one spot that provides a line of sight to a window for each adjacent
house. To get what you see here my lens had to be carefully placed in exactly
the right position. From elsewhere absolutely nothing can be seen. The fact that
Rita uses industrial food containers for her compost rather than purpose made
bins may arguably be eccentric but it is not doing anyone any harm. This is a
prime example of Bexley council’s trademark vindictiveness. Rita must be paid back for
previously getting Bexley council into the national headlines. It’s a good job I have
no need for council approval or assistance in anything I have planned.
Index to Grootendorst related blogs.