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News and Comment September 2012

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6 September (Part 1) - Olly Cromwell and his petition

Will Tuckley's letterBexley council’s spokesman may be trying to convince everyone that John Kerlen is subject to a restraining order to curtail his democratic rights, probably Bexley council would be happy to see such a thing imposed on all its critics, but it just ain’t so.

The appeal judge lifted it and John Kerlen will be back; his ban on attending council meetings expired months ago. As you can see from the extract from Will Tuckley’s January 2012 letter, John is banned for writing stuff which makes some inadequate councillors feel threatened but which a judge pronounced entirely lawful. He is also banned for adhering to Eric Pickles’ guidance on filming and peacefully objecting to being excluded from a meeting in circumstances that would not be permissible under the new rules coming in next week. Now that Bexley council’s stupidity has made John a well known personality in the national media the latter will be eager to expose any further stupidity by Bexley’s rotten council.

One of the things John Kerlen has already done is to set up his petition website. I mentioned it on Monday but didn’t explain it because I was unsure of how it stood relative to the Local Government Act 2000 and the Localism Bill. It would take a great deal of time and perhaps some legal expertise to unravel that lot but I felt nevertheless I should be offering more background information than John provided on the petition website. Fortunately John has now remedied the omission with a blog on the subject. If you wish to know more of what he has in mind, then that is the place to look. It is remarkably free of rude words.


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