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News and Comment October 2012

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17 October (Part 3) - Hate Crime. Something on which Bexley council is the acknowledged authority

Hate Crime Working closely with the policeI picked up a leaflet on Hate Crime at Monday’s police meeting. It made me chuckle to see the police in partnership with Bexley council regarding hate crime. One guilty of it the other of covering it up.

The leaflet is part of Hate Crime Awareness Week and Borough Police Commander Victor Olisa says "We take hate crime very seriously and I would urge anyone who is a victim to report incidents to the police. Even if the incident does not amount to a crime, we will still record and investigate it”.

You can take that with a pinch of salt. The police are supposed to keep Elwyn and I informed of developments in Bexley council’s obscene blog investigation but there has been no real information from them in months and yesterday their suspect was supposed to be back in the police station. They have made no attempt to inform Elwyn and myself as bound to do by procedures and Elwyn has had the brush off from three phone calls so far today.

Victor Olisa may prove to be just as useless as his predecessors.

Can it be coincidence that last night councillor Peter Craske was back in the council chamber bold as brass and today I have been showered in abusive and vile anonymous emails? Much the same sort of language as used on Bexley’s obscene blog. We are still no nearer knowing who did that.


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