24 November (Part 1) - Maliciously persecuting the Grootendorsts. How much did that cost us?
years they were at it and the evidence bundle ran to about 500 pages and cost
more than twelve quid to post. Photocopying hundreds of letters umpteen times
doesn’t come cheap but the time spent writing them would have cost a great deal
more. A Freedom of Information request attempted to get at the truth - always
difficult where Bexley council is concerned.
[What was] the financial cost of the investigation in to the allegedly untidy garden of Bexley resident Rita (and Pieter) Grootendorst up to the commencement of legal proceedings?
[What was] the financial cost of the legal proceedings for the above including
the cost of hiring external lawyers?
Bexley council was unable to break down the figures. It was only able to say that Legal
Services spent 60 hours and 18 minutes on the case. In monetary terms that was 50 hours and 48
minutes at £54.25 for the Senior Solicitor and 9 hours 30 minutes at £38.30 for
more junior staff. I make that £3,120. On top of that a barrister cost £4,500.
It would appear that John Waring and Diane Glazer spent two years working for
nothing. Seems fair, it’s what they are worth.
Odd that Bexley council’s defeat in Bromley Court never made it to the News Shopper; maybe the
stories that Bexley council threatens them are true after all. No, surely not?