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News and Comment March 2012

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14 March (Part 1) - The police state of Bexley

The disgusting Seymour and BauerThanks to the disgusting individuals shown here who exaggerated their fervent imaginings in order to quash criticism of Bexley’s disgusting council, Olly Cromwell has been held in jail overnight and is due in court again today. No other details available at present. Bexley Magistrates court is assumed.

The untrue statement signed by councillor Melvin Seymour is shown above. The ridiculous attempts by Will Tuckley to have me arrested too, for criticism, for inciting violence with pitchforks and for publishing obscene material which was in fact published by his own people.

The poisonous lieI shall attempt to gather news from the court and report back later.

Note dated 17th August 2012. At an appeal hearing where both Seymour and Bauer were called as witnesses and cross examined it became clear that it was Seymour who had dishonestly exaggerated the content of the Tweet in order to attempt a miscarriage of justice and Bauer had merely sent him a copy and took no part in its embellishment.


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