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News and Comment June 2012

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29 June (Part 3) - Ask a busy woman

Gareth BaconKatie PerriorThey don’t make these things easy to find but hidden away four levels down from the Home page is Bexley council’s announcement of who is going to take up Craske’s poisoned chalice. It seems that councillors Katie Perrior and Gareth Bacon are going to share the load. Katie will do the Community Safety having apparently overcome the child minding issues that led her to bleat about them to the Bexley Chronicle last year and Gareth is well qualified to take on the Transport role equipped as he is with a free annual season ticket by the Greater London Authority.

To be fair the appointments seem to be a good solution to tide things over while Craske sorts out the personal issues that led to his resignation. Bacon can be a pompous ass at times but he appears to have his head screwed on properly and it saves us £13,000 a year.


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