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News and Comment January 2012

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14 January (Part 2) - Where’s DI Keith Marshall?

Search engine keywordsContinuing the web statistics theme I thought you might like to see what people are searching for on a Saturday morning. It’s a fairly typical report, Chris Loynes and Sandra Bauer are always popular choices, the others come and go.

DI Keith Marshall was the police officer who signed the Harassment Letters to me and Olly Cromwell and refused to say who had leaned on him to do so. We now know that Chief Executive Will Tuckley yanked his string and that even now Bexley council cannot come up with a lawful reason for doing so. Criticism is not yet a crime.

Keith Marshall offered to meet me to discuss the issue but (on his own admission) went on leave and was never heard of again. Only this week CS Dave Stringer told me he “had not been able to speak to him for reasons it is inappropriate for me to comment on here”. If you were a regular reader of Olly Cromwell’s blog you will have read that an informer said he had gone on long term sick leave. Olly gave more details than that but ‘it is inappropriate for me to comment here’.

Another unfortunate case of long term sick leave (according to Bexley council insiders) concerns Chris Loynes (the council’s Head of Members’ Services), at one time the only man who knew of my visit to the Civic Offices on 20th May 2011 which led to the obscene blog appearing the very next day and who has not been heard of since.

I’ve no idea why Sandra Bauer is so popular, must be something to do with Olly’s army of fans checking up on her. And James Hunt of Bexley? Perhaps it is something to do with his involvement with children’s theatre, or the scout movement or his dog impersonations. Who knows?


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