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News and Comment December 2012

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20 December - No news is not necessarily good news

BBC reportIt’s inevitable that not much happens at this time of the year and people have better things to do than read about Bexley council. Today there is close to nothing to report.

There is no sign of any Christmas parking concession this year, not that last year’s delivered at the 11th hour with minimal publicity was worth having. This year there will be no charging on Christmas and Boxing Days plus New Year’s Day. Neighbouring boroughs are no better with no obvious announcements on their websites. Money must be short.

The Department for Communities has announced today that Bexley is to get a reduced Council Tax Grant next year; 1·5% less than in 2012 - source BBC website. Eric Pickles helpfully provides a 50 point list of ways that councils can save money. I can’t see Bexley rushing to take up many. Getting rid of Chief Executives and cutting top salaries by 5% or more are all things that Bexley council is dead set against. Much more likely is that the public will be asked for more money via stealth taxes. i.e. increased prices for services.

At number 28 in the list of money saving ideas is this one…

Common Purpose
Common Purpose, is widely believed to be a pernicious charity brain-washing the ruling classes in the ways of world domination. Interesting that Eric Pickles should pick it out from so many reputable management training facilities. Perhaps he knows the truth of it.


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