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News and Comment December 2012

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15 December (Part 1) - Give a politician an inch, he’ll steal your money

Park free after 5:30 Park free after 5:30 Parking restrictionsFrom my own selfish point of view this Parking by Phone lark is brilliant. As a reluctant motorists, if I need to get to Bexleyheath, I hitch a lift from a friend who drives through it almost every day and return on the bus.

It used to be a bit awkward finding a place to safely jump out of the car, but now it is easy. All around the central area there are empty bays which in the days of parking meters were always occupied.

This, as even some of the brighter councillors have noted, is doing parking revenues no good at all - they are down. It probably does wonders for the business community too but Bexley council are only paying lip service to that.

With so much street parking subject to 24/7 charges oppressed motorists are finding free parking just beyond the Craske Zone. Although that purple faced disaster is no longer in charge of Realm Wrecking there is no sign of retreat, far from it; the Craske Zone is being surreptitiously extended.

Parking restrictions The street shown is a cul-de-sac which doesn’t even have houses along the first part of it. An ideal quiet parking spot in the evening when traffic there is even more minimal. At the moment it is free to park after 5.30 p.m. but not for much longer. It is shortly to switch to 24/7 (“At any time”) charging. Another purely money grabbing exercise by Bexley council. Another stab in the back for the town’s night life. More proof that “Working for you” is an empty lying slogan.

Note: Photos taken in the pouring rain of 14th December 2012. Thank goodness Pentax SLRs are water resistant. Pity my coat isn’t.


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