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News and Comment April 2012

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12 April (Part 2) - Long Lane. Short buses

Long Lane Long LaneI mentioned the Long Lane situation on the Notomob forum yesterday and said I planned to get more photos of the bus stop. One of their members kindly saved me the trouble. It looks very stupid even by Bexley’s standards.

When I started this website by criticising the changes made to Abbey Road, Belvedere, I obtained the opinion of the Senior Safety Consultant at the Transport Research Laboratory. One of the things I remember from that conversation is “forcing vehicles into the path of oncoming traffic is a recipe for accidents”. Obvious enough I would have thought but not to Bexley council. All over town they produce obstacle courses designed to do that very thing.

Long Lane is a priceless gem of a cock-up. It will require bus drivers to be more careful than many usually are to get two doors to align with the available footway. And as for Boris Johnson’s three door monster - don’t even think about it.

Click for NotoMob’s Photo feature.


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